Museo del Humor (humour museum)

Discover works by the best Argentine caricaturists and comic illustrators in a landmark historic building.

Present in tours

The Museo de Humor is located in a landmark Art Deco/eclectic building constructed in 1927 to house the former Munich beerhouse. Focusing on Argentine comic strips and humorous illustrations dating from the 19th century to the present day, the museum boasts a collection of works by the best Argentine caricaturists, cartoon artists and comic illustrators, with pieces ranging from gentle comedy on customs and manners to acerbically satirical and political works.

There's a strong focus on the golden age of Argentine comic illustration from the early 20th century. The museum is also the finishing point and finale of the Comic Strip Walk.

Open Monday - Friday, 11.00am - 6.00pm. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, 10.00am - 8.00pm.



Xul Solar House Gallery

Former home of one of Argentina's most eccentric artists