9.00am | Neighbourhood market and street art in Coghlan

Start the day off the beaten track in this residential neighbourhood.

Present in tours

A great way to connect with local people is to visit one of the city government's itinerant neighbourhood markets, which offer food at affordable prices in parks and squares throughout the city. There's one in Coghlan at Plaza Alberdi (Machain between Av. Crisólogo Larralde y Núñez), on Saturdays, 8am - 2.00pm. After that take a walk around this peaceful residential neighbourhood, which is little visited by tourists. The neighbourhood has become something of an open air gallery in recent year, with dozens of pieces of street art dotted throughout the quiet cobbled streets. We suggest walking along calle Núñez, in the same direction as traffic, to Estomba, then walk to Avenida Congreso. 


In Pasaje Valderrama, you can find the piece of street art Corazón Palpitante (Beating Heart) by acclaimed muralist Alfredo Segatori, and beside it, two dancers painted by Roman artist Alice.


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