12 noon | The beauty of Japan

Pieces of Japan in Buenos Aires

Many Japanese families and their descendents live in the Balvanera and San Cristóbal neighbourhoods.

El Centro Okinawense

Located at Av. San Juan 2651, 1st floor, this cultural centre was opened by Buenos Aires' Japanese community with support from the Japanese government to show gratitude to Argentina for opening its doors to Japanese immigrants. As was the Japanese Garden in Palermo. Here they teach courses and workshops. Check the schedule at www.alternativanikkei.com.ar/ actividades. There's a restaurant – Restaurante Okiren – on the first floor.

Supermercado Nueva Casa Japonesa

You can find all kinds of ingredients that you won't find elsewhere at this supermarket located at Humberto 1º 2357. Many Japanese restaurant owners make their purchases ehre, and the supermarket even has its own restaurant on the first floor, only open at midday. Try the ramen or sea eel (anguila de mar).

Restaurante Nihonbashi

Located in Moreno 2095, this place is an excellent option to eat authentic shabu-shabu, suki yaki or sushi (without Philadelphia cheese unlike in many Buenos Aires sushi joints!). There are private areas, some with the tables on the floor – you have to take your shoes off, and you'll be offered slippers.

Restaurante Sashimiya

Another authentic option, located at México 1965.

Japanese Garden

In another area of the city, at Casares 2966, this beautiful garden offers an oasis of calm with Japanese architecture, ponds filled with carp, a library, cultural centre, and a good restaurant.


Many of the Japanese restaurants in the area close to the National Congress building are attended by their owners. Most open only for dinner.

Moving on:

Take bus number 53 at the junction of Av. San Juan and Matheu, and get off at Av. Don Pedro de Mendoza1800 (at the junction with Dr. Del Valle Iberlucea), or take bus 86 from Alberti and Humberto 1º to Brandsen 600 (corner of Dr. Del Valle Iberlucea).


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