Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar

Beautiful colonial basilica dating back to 1732.

The Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Our Lady of Pillar Basilica) is located in the Recoleta neighbourhood. It was opened in 1732, based on a design by the jesuit architects Bianchi and Prímoli.

Externally, the basilica has a simple, whitewashed colonial style and inside it conserves magnificent original altarpieces and ornaments.

The basilica belonged to the Recollects order of friars, after which the Recoleta neighbourhood is named. At the time of construction, the location was on the outskirts of the city, taking into account the order's rules of withdrawal and seclusion. The money for the construction came from a neighbour who was originally from Zaragoza in Spain, and he made the donation on the condition that the church was dedicated to the Virgin of the Pillar, an aparition of the Viring Mary associated with Zaragoza.

The church has a single nave with a developed transept, covered by sail vault, and shallow side chapels. Highlights include the baroque main altarpiece, a singular piece with Inca ornamentation and silverwork from Peru.

The pulpit and side altars also have a baroque style. The 18th century woodwork is attributed to sculptor Alonso Cano. The relics altar is believed to have been a gift from King Carlos III of Spain.


JUNIN 1904

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