7.00pm | Tango classes

Take your first steps on the dancefloor at a milonga

Present in tours

Some of the city's milongas (social dance events) offer classes "a la gorra" (students put whatever they can afford to pay in the hat). On Sundays, try the Glorieta de Belgrano, near Belgrano C train station, Plaza Dorrego en San Telmo (cancelled when it's raining) or the Taller Tangódromo at Espacio Cultural Julián Centeya from 7.00pm.


For dinner in Boedo, a tango-themed option is the famous Esquina Homero Manzi (San Juan 3601), which has a tango show every night. Other popular choices are Café Margot (Av. Boedo 857), and the theatre Pan y Arte (Av. Boedo 876), which offers generous dishes at economical prices. Further afield, there's SpiaggediNapoli (Av. Independencia 3527), an authentic Italian pasta joint.


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11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1888 1901