What links the number 3, Naples, and riding horseback?
One clue: it’s a staple of Porteño gastronomy. Any ideas yet?

The answer is one of Argentina's most popular dishes:

 The milanesa schnitzel!

A milanesa, a breaded veal schnitzel that can be served in several different ways, contains on average 300 hundred calories and the average Argentine eats three of them a week, making it the country’s most popular dish. It even has its own official national day: May 3, celebrated each year in kitchens, restaurants and on social media throughout the country!

The dish is so popular that there are restaurants that specialise in nothing but, and have devised many different variations, often using the milanesa as a base for different toppings as if it were a pizza. One such variation is the milanesa a la napolitana, which is topped with ham, cheese and tomato. The dish didn’t originate in the city Naples as one may assume, but in a restaurant called Napoli that used to be located near Luna Park stadium (what actually happened is that its chef burned a milanesa and decided to top it with these ingredients in an attempt to hide the fact! And so a new creation was born.)

Another variation is the milanesa a caballo, or milanesa on horseback - but we promise no horse was harmed in the preparation of this dish! It’s simply a milanesa with two fried eggs mounted on top of it. Another variety that you have to try in Buenos Aires!