Strange noises at Fernández Blanco Museum
Weeping and screams, doors that close on their own. The terror of the old Palacio Noel.

The architect and historian Martín Noel and his brother Carlos Noel, the mayor of Buenos Aires from 1922 to 1927, lived together with their respective families at Palacio Noel, today home to the Museum of Spanish American Art. Carlos’s, daughter, Soledad, died from tuberculosis at the age of 17. 

The US president Herbert Hoover stayed at the mansion on his visit to Buenos Aires in 1928. Legend has it that during his stay he complained about the sounds of sobbing and doors creaking that kept him awake at night. Following that, many neighbours, including the poet Oliverio Girondo and his wife claim to have seen the figure of a woman dressed in white.

Visit: Isaac Fernández Blanco Museum of Spanish-American Art (Suipacha 1422).

Suipacha 1422