BA Convention & Visitors Bureau
Free support and liaison services for event holders.

The Buenos Aires Convention & Visitors Bureau provides free support and liaison services to organizations wishing to host events in the city.

The non-for-profit Bureau is supported by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and public and privately held organizations in the tourism sector. Its bespoke services and ensure that you get all the support you need in holding a successful event in the city:

  • Scouting for venues and accommodation, including site inspections
  • Connecting you to PCOs, DMCs and public institutions
  • Sharing  transportation, press and tourism agency contacts

For more information please download the brochure below or email Monica Maturano at (+5411) 4777-5930/31). You can also contact the Bureau through its website contact page.


Address: Juncal 4431, Pabellón Ocre, 1º Piso, Oficina 5 (CABA)