1. National Historic Museum

Defensa 1600.
Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 6pm.
The Museo Histórico Nacional was Created in 1880 after half a century of civil wars, with the objective of unifying the young Argentine nation and creating a sense of national identity amid the profound changes that were occurring. In its present form, located in San Telmo, the museum displays objects relating to the May Revolution of 1810 and the Argentine War of Independence, including paintings, scultpures, flags, standards, weapons and uniforms as well as everyday objects. Highlights include sabres that belonged to independence heroes José de San Martín and Manuel Belgrano, and a flag from the battle of Ayohúma.
2. Casa Rosada Museum

Av. Paseo Colón 100.
10am – 5.30pm.
In one of the city’s most important buildings, this museum opened in the year 2011 to celebrate the bicentenary of Argentina’s revolution of Independence. The museum is located behind the Casa Rosada governmental palace and is a must for anyone interested in history and architecture.
3. Immigration Museum

Av. Antártida Argentina 1355.
11am – 6pm.
This fascinating museum tells the stories of the immigrants who arrived in Argentina from Europe, Asia and Africa in the 19th century and who continue to arrive largely from elsewhere in South America today. This is a journey that reveals something of the origins of the city’s idiosyncrasies.
4. Quinquela Martín Museum

Av. Don Pedro de Mendoza 1835.
11.15am – 6pm
This museum has a large collection of oil paintings and etchings made by the artist Benito Quinquela Martín between 1922 and 1967, as well as work by other artists representative of some of the big movements in Argentine art during the 20th century. There’s also a collection of ship figureheads, making the museum as intriguing as the neighbourhood where it’s located – the colourful La Boca.